

Stornaiuolo, A., Desimone, L.M., & Polikoff, M. (2023). “The good struggle” of flexible specificity: Districts balancing specific guidance with autonomy to support standards-based instruction. American Educational Research Journal, 60 (3). Online first.

Stornaiuolo, A. & Monea, B. (2023). Pocket writing: How adolescents’ self-sponsored writing circulates in schools. Written Communication. Online first. 

Griffin. A. A., Crawford, A., Bentum, B., Reed, S., Winikur, G., Monea, B., Rosser, B., Thomas, E. E., & Stornaiuolo, A.  (2023). Rhapsody in Blue: Anti-Racist English Educators’ Commitment to Jazz Pedagogy in Digital Discourse. Excellence and Equity in Education. Online first.

Monea, B., Burrows, K., Dunbar, J., Freed, J., Stornaiuolo, A., & Griffin, A. A. (2022). “Live within the Messiness”: ELA Teachers Cultivating Adaptive Repertoires for Discussion Facilitation in a Digitally-Mediated Inquiry Community. English Teaching: Practice and Critique 21(4), 413-427.

Catena, E.P., Monea, B., Skeuse, M, Kulkarni, A., & Stornaiuolo, A., (2022). Online Writing Spaces as Walled Gardens in ELA Classrooms. English Journal 112(1), 71-79.

Pangrazio, L., Stornaiuolo, A., Nichols, T.P, Garcia, A. & Philip, T. (2022). Datafication meets platformization in education: Materializing data processes in teaching and learning. Harvard Educational Review, 92(2), 257-283. 10.17763/1943-5045-92.2.257

Monea, B., Stornaiuolo, A., & Catena, E.P. (2021). Reframing temporality in participatory visual research with timelapse video. Qualitative Research, Online First.

Stornaiuolo, A. (2020). Developing data literacy with adolescents: Supporting youth as authors, architects, and interpreters of data. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 29(1), 81-103.

Hall, M. & Stornaiuolo, A. (2020). Tracing networked writing in an online community through resonance maps. Learning, Culture, and Social Interaction, 24

Curwood, J.S., Lammers, J., Magnifico, A. & Stornaiuolo, A. (2019). Ethical considerations for online literacy research. Literacy Research: Theory, Practice, Method, 68, 293-313.

Nichols, T.P. & Stornaiuolo, A. (in press). Assembling digital literacies: Contingent pasts, possible futures. Media and Communication, 7(2). doi: 10.17645/mac.v7i2.1946

Thomas, E. & Stornaiuolo, A. (2019). Race, storying, and restorying: What can we learn from Black fans? Journal of Transformative Works, 30. In special issue: Fans of color, fandoms of color.

Desimone, L., Stornaiuolo, A., Flores, N., Edgerton, A., Nichols, T.P., Pak, K., Plummer, E., & Porter, A. (2019). Successes and challenges of the ‘new’ college- and career-ready standards: Seven implementation trends. Educational Researcher, 48(3), 167-178. DOI: 10.3102/0013189X19837239

Hall, M. & Stornaiuolo, A. (2019). Tracing networked writing in an online community through resonance maps. Learning, Culture, and Social Interaction.

Stornaiuolo, A., & Nichols, T.P. (2019). Cosmopolitanism and education. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press. doi: 

Mills, K.A., Stornaiuolo, A., Smith, A. & Zacher Pandya, J., Editors (2018). Handbook of Writing, Literacies, and Education in Digital Cultures. New York: Routledge. [Recipient of the 2018 Divergent Award for Excellence in 21st Century Literacies]

Stornaiuolo, A., & Nichols, T.P., & Vasudevan, V. (2018). Building spaces for literacy in school: Mapping the emergence of a literacy makerspace. English Teaching: Practice & Critique, 17(4), 357-370. [Winner of the 2019 Literati Award]

Stornaiuolo, A. & Thomas, E.E. (2018). Restorying as political action: Authoring resistance through youth media arts. Learning, Media, and Technology, 43(4), 345-358, doi: 10.1080/17439884.2018.1498354   

Stornaiuolo, A. & Nichols, T.P.* (2018). Making publics: Mobilizing audiences in high school makerspaces. Teachers College Record, 120(8), 1-38.

Stornaiuolo, A. & Whitney, E. (2018). Writing as worldmaking. Language Arts, (95)4, 205-216.

Smith, A., Stornaiuolo, A., & Phillips, N. (2018). Multiplicities in motion: A turn to transliteracies. Theory into Practice, 57(1), 20-28. doi://

Stornaiuolo, A. (2017). Contexts of digital socialization: Studying the affordances of social media for adolescents. Commentary on Zizek. Human Development 60(5), 233-238. doi: 10.1159/000480341

Stornaiuolo, A. & Thomas, E.E. (2017). Disrupting educational inequalities through youth digital activism. Review of Research in Education, 41(1), 337-357.

Stornaiuolo, A., Smith, A., & Phillips, N. (2017). Theorizing a transliteracies framework for a connected world. Journal of Literacy Research 49(1). [Recipient of the 2018 Arthur Applebee Award at LRA]

Thomas, E.E. & Stornaiuolo, A. (2016). Restorying the self: Bending toward textual justice. Harvard Educational Review 86(3), 313-338.

Stornaiuolo, A., Smith, A., & Phillips, N. (2016). Transliteracies. Springer Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1-6. doi:10.1007/978-981-287-532-7_117-1

Stornaiuolo, A. (2016). Teaching in global collaborations: Navigating challenging conversations through cosmopolitan activity.  Teaching and Teacher Education 59, 503-513. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2016.07.001

Stornaiuolo, A. & LeBlanc, R.J. (2016). Scaling as a literacy activity: Mobility and educational inequality in an age of global connectivity. Research in the Teaching of English 50(3), 263-287.

Stornaiuolo, A. (2015). Literacy as worldmaking: Cosmopolitanism, creativity, and multimodality. In K. Pahl & J. Rowsell (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Literacy Studies. (pp. 561-572). New York: Routledge.

Stornaiuolo, A. & LeBlanc, R.J. (2014). Local literacies, global scales: The labor of global connectivity. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacies (58)3, 192-196.

Hull, G. & Stornaiuolo, A. (2014). Cosmopolitan literacies, social networks, and “proper distance”: Striving to understand in a global world. Curriculum Inquiry 44(1), 15-44.

Stornaiuolo, A., & Hall, M. (2014). Tracing resonance: Qualitative research in a networked world. In G. B. Gudmundsdottir & K. B. Vasbø (Eds.), Methodological challenges when exploring digital learning spaces in education. Sense Publishers.

Stornaiuolo, A., & Higgs, J., & Hull, G. (2013). Social media as authorship: Methods for studying literacies and communities online. In P. Albers, T. Holbrook, A.S. Flint (Eds.), New Literacy Research Methods (pp. 224-237). New York: Routledge.

Stornaiuolo, A., Dizio, J., Hellmich, E., & Hull, G.A. (2013). Expanding community: Youth, social networking, and schools. Comunicar, Scientific Journal of Media Education. Special issue: “Interactive Youth: New Forms of Citizenship, Social Networks, and School Settings.”

Hull, G. A., Stornaiuolo, A., & Sterponi, L. (2013). Imagined readers and hospitable texts: Global youth connect online. In D. Alvermann, N. Unrau, & R. Ruddell (Eds.), Theoretical Models and Processes of Reading (6th ed., pp. 1208–1240). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Stornaiuolo, A., Hull, G.A., & Sahni, U. (2011). Cosmopolitan imaginings of self and other:  Youth and social networking in a global world. In J. Fisherkeller (Ed.), International perspectives on youth media: Cultures of production and education (pp. 263-280). Peter Lang Publishers.

Hull, G.A. & Stornaiuolo, A. (2010). Literate arts in a global world: Reframing social networking as cosmopolitan practice. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 54(2), 84-96.

Hull, G.A., Stornaiuolo, A., & Sahni, U. (2010). Cultural citizenship and cosmopolitan practice: Global youth communicate online. English Education 42(4), 331-367.

Stornaiuolo, A., Hull, G.A., & Nelson, M. E. (2009). Mobile texts and migrant audiences: Rethinking literacy and assessment in a new media age. Language Arts, 86(5), 382-392.

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